Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wikipedia and Teaching Tips

The NPR News Blog
Who's Been Messing with My Wikipedia Entry

NPR News Article
Scanner Tracks Who's Changing What on Wikipedia

See Who's Editing Wikipedia-Diebold, the CIA, a Campaign

All of these articles/blogs talk about the popular internet site Wikipedia. This site is known for its research, however it is not the most reliable or credible information out there. This is because anyone can edit the information put on Wikipedia and so it does not have to be true or factual. However, now they have implemented a tracker where the person looking at the article can see who has edited the information. This shows that for the most part people are editing entries to benefit themselves or their organizations. Which shows that Wikipedia is not the most reliable source of information.

At the Teacher's Desk
What I've Learned this Year

This blog is about what Mr. McClung learned in his first year of teaching. The first thing is to make sure to always remember to make lessons student-centered. Secondly, is to be flexible because a teacher never knows what is going to happen. The next thing is to communicate to build strong relationships with students and other teachers. Another thing is to remember each student is different and should be held up to different expectations. Also, teachers should not be afraid of technology. Teachers need to listen to their students and lastly they need to always keep learning.

I think that Mr. McClung provided some really great tips. Most teachers get to caught up in the technical things to remember the simple things that should be done. Each one of these tips is very important and every teacher should read them and remember them as they go through their teaching career.


  1. Wow Kyleigh!
    That's a lot off things that you have learned throughout the year. Building relationships with other people or teachers can help with communicating. Thank -you also for commenting on my blog too.

  2. I have never used Wikipedia as a source for school work, as much as I may have been tempted to. However, I do use it for personal knowledge or to look up something that I have a question about.

    I also agree with you about Mr. McClung! I really enjoyed his post! He is a very intelligent man!
